Saturday, June 22, 2013

please ?

I am totally crazy right now. I don't know why but somehow my mind can't stop thinking about him. I'm never this way before. Only these past few days, his face appeared everyday, everywhere and every time  It's like, he's the only thing that revolves around my mind. Oh God, what's happening to me? Is this normal? Oh my God I'm so worried with my conditions right now. If this is the way it continues, then after this, how can I'm going to focus in my class? How can I practice my clarinet well? How can i eat well? I wonder why all of this happen to me. My feeling were growing stronger day by day in these past few days and I don't know whether is this a good sign, or a bad one? Cause I can't afford it if I'm going to get hurt once again .

Please Ya Allah , help me.

oh god .

i'm glad it's you .

one day , i wish .


i'd love to experience that .
can i ?

Insyaallah :l


i'm such an ungrateful person .
there's another person out there that facing life with more difficulty
and i'm here keep saying that i'm not worth it , i'm not deserved it whatever it is
seriously ,
i'm such a selfish person . i have no good .
i'm ungrateful .
Ya Allah , please forgive me .
Thank you for everything .
I promise after this I'll try to become a better person .

And please , make Nin* Ari*f life's better than before .
She's had face so many circumstances that no one can ever been through
and she still there , staying strong with all her strength .
Please vanished all her pain ,
and let she be happy with the life that she supposed to have .

Amin .

A stranger , and a friend ,

Filza Nabila Halmah

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

that one polaroid makes my whole day 
and now it is my precious treasure that i've ever had with me :)

dearest m ,
thank you for those moments .
and i'll forever appreciate it until the last breath of my life .

forever in memories ;
 16th July 2013

Thursday, June 6, 2013


Hello everyone , meet Iffah Adlina , my pretty gendut little sister .
i love you hahaha :*

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


dear old friend of mine , 
we used to be so close before ,
but since last year you started to ignore me
why ?
i thought we can be bestfriends 
but since you did this to me
okay .
i'll survive
anyway thanks for being such a great friend .
i hope that one day you'll have the courage to greet me again .
thanks , iki :')

06052013 , 0324 hours

primary school

After 4 years , they became this ;

the adorable and genius one , FATIN and TRICIA

the awesome one ; AINA

haha the weirdos ; FIZAIRAH

 the lovely one ; ESTHER

the cutest one ; KIMBERLY

the gorgeous one ; LAILA

the cool one ; MARTIN

the athlete ; NASHRUL *kaki one*

the cutie pie ; RUSYAIDI

the trouble partner ; HASBULLAH

words can't describe how much i miss them . actually there are many of them but this one was the one i miss most . when i was looking through their picture , i smiled . from kids , we turned into teenagers . sadly we didn't experience teenagers moment together . i remembered when it was the last day of school . people were hugging here and there , and i barely cried because i thought i've never got the chance to meet them again . silly me hahaha . you guys mean soo much to me because you was part of my life before . we spent 6 years together , how could i forget them . yeah we may changed but memories don't . and you know i really miss sports day when we were in year 6 . Martin , Nashrul , do you remember when we were running around the stadium cause you guys called me names . i can't remember what name it was . Pizza , wasn't it ? hahaha and Martin you threw sticks at me remember and Nashrul we run until we were out of breath and we ended up laughing together . oh god seriously i miss you guys soo much . and class 6 Bestari , i remember when it was my birthday , i told you guys that my birthday was on 9.45am and coincidence-ly it was the recess time as well . and at exact 9.45am you guys sang me happy birthday song and we hug each other . haha i could never forget those moments . oh oh , Fizairah , Aina , Tricia , Kim , Laila , Esther , remember when it was during the fasting month ? everytime it was recess , we go at the back of the class and start playing Lubang Tikus hahaha . Fizairah i could never forget the days when we were playing with our sleeping pants under our school skirts hahaha those pinky flower pants ? it was totally cute on you . oh man Nashrul , Hasbullah , Martin , can you remember when you sneak out my diary from my bag and i saw you guys were reading them when i got back from recess ? god seriously i really freak out at that time cause i wrote soo many stupid things and you guys read it . and Nashrul you laugh and start calling me Naim cause i wrote about him . naaa don't you know he just a friend that had a crush on me and start giving me things when it was tuition time . hahahahaha oh god actually there were soo many things i wanted to write about but i know if i don't stop here , i may reached 5000 words to recall back what i've been through at my primary school . man , i miss them soo much *cried* . i know we barely meet each other these few years , but i hope you guys didn't forget me at all . last but not least , i really really do love you guys . i hope our friendship will last forever . AMIN .

sincerely ,
 your old friend 
Filza Nabila Halmah

shopping with mak :')

Today , 050621013 , 0345 hours

We were walking around the shops to find a new shoes for me then we passed Lea Centre. There's this one Nike shoes , which was really cool , and I said to mom ;

Me : Mak , dedek want this .
Mom : What's the price ?
Me : *looked at the price tag* Emmm , RM 256 .
Mom : No way .
Me : *pouty face* Alaaaaa mak , please .
Mom : No . Serves you right . Why didn't you buy it last week ?
Me : Hah ?
Mom : There was a sale here last week , when it was Gawai celebrations , and all this shoes costs only RM150 something .
Me : OH MY GOD ! Really ?
Mom : *nodded* Ahaaa .
Me : Why didn't you tell me ?
Mom : How am I supposed to tell you if you keep living in your cave and never came out except for meal time . Last week when we got here you only sticks to your tablet and ignore the sale . So there's nothing I can do about it .
Me : *crying* Laaaaaaa
Mom : It's okay . Later we'll buy it.

God , really serves me right .

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

copying from sister's blog :')

so here we go ;

Hi kak filza! Tadi tu tak cukup 200 pun ni over sangat sampai nak 500. Tahu lah kita takde exam nak berapa patah perkataan tapi 500 tu macam impossible tapi okay jom try mana lah tahu sampai 1000 ke tiba tiba hahaha. Okaay okay okay okay hiiiii, hang ini sangat gedik mengada gemuk pandai sains buncit tak lawa dan sebagainya hahaha okay tak tipu je. Anda baik, caring, sensitive maybe? tapi tak pernah tunjuk kat kita. Based on diary jelah kita tahu awak ni sensitive muehehehe anda ini seorang yang pelik hahaha dalam diary banyak post sedih sedih tapi tak pernah nampak awak nangis wuuuuuuuu hahaha okay pernah nampak sekali! bhahaha tapi sampai sekarang tak tahu kenapa. Anda seorang yang caring sebab pujuk kita masa kita nangis tiba tiba harituuuuuuu hahaha sorry kita memang suka menangis :p manja ah kononnya puiii. hm hm anda ni kuat makaaaaaaaaaaaaan. pernah ambik kit kat kita -.- dah lah ambik semua ish gemuk :p hahaha dah lah suka makan sampai tahap kita tengah sedih pun nak sumbat kit kat dalam mulut ishhhh. tapi gemuk pun awak lari lajuuuuuuuuu hahaha k ni tak tahu dah cakap ke belum ke malas nak cakap hahaha kita bangga ah tengok awak time sukantara haritu. Orang cakap awak garang time band, tapi kita macam eh yeke hahaha tak tahu tak tahu nampak macam tak entaaaaaaah tapi jangan ah garang dengan kita dengan orang lain takpe bhahaha k mengada. Awak takde boyfriend tapiiiiiiii ada crush dekat orang tu dah bertahun tahun haha nak tak kita mention siapa? lol jangan ah sedih sebab dia apa laaaaaaaah babs bukan seekor bhahahaha dah berapa kali dah ulang ayat yang sama bhahaha tak reti ah bab bab ni :p muehehehe tak pro macam awak. dah berapa ni macam belum 500 je adoi tulis apa lagi, ha anda ni baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaik sangat dengan NABILA AIFA hahahahaha and tunku sekali and junior band oh tu tak tahu lah anddddddddd budak dorm awak jugak kot. ha pastu describe kita tak ikhlas langsung yelah siapa je kita ni mentang mentang lah tengah bahagia -.- em yelah kaaaaaaaaan. siapa je kita ni. tengok kita describe seikhlas hati haaaaa. tak kisah lah merepek pun asalkan panjang. okay apa lagi honestly awak banyak buat kita terasa hahahaha ceh tipu je takde ah banyak manaaaaaaa kehkeh. okay apa lagi ha anda mempunyai sepasang baju rasmi yang kainnya dah koyak bhahaha! haaaaaaaaa, ni baru berapa adoi macam tak larat je nak kira. dush dush. okay anda ni pandai english sebab tu lah set A en. pastu suka hina orang ish tahu ah kita ni siapa je. Tak pandai mcm awak -.- Then awak ni orang Sarawak same goes to your petsis yang dekat tkc tu :p hahaha kita follow dia dekat twitter dia pun follow kita kahkahkah. So kita tak tahu lah macam mana nak jumpa awak bila awak dah habis sekolah nanti hahaha alah confirm ah dah lupa kita nantiiiiiiiiiiii kahkah. Oh anda mempunyai dua orang adik en? Tapi kita suka tengok yang bongsu tu bhahaha sebab dia comeeeeeeeeeeeel sangat tak macam kakak dia pun :p em em, anda ni suka vain rasanya sampai kan vain dengan adik yang dekat dorm sekali :p hahaha tapi sumpah tak tipu awak memang suka ambik gambar pun except for time birthday girl tu lah -.- nak bukti tak , in 5 months, dah ada dekat 10 ah jugak polaroid yang ada kat kita hahaha ke lebih entah lah tu baru yang kat kita belum kat awak lagi :p bhahaha. Entahlah. Oh ha pastu sebenarnya awak ni tak sayang kita puuuuuuuuuuun kan hahaha kdah merepek dah cukup panjang tak? Kita rasa dah panjang sangat dah sampai kena transfer dekat word and ni pun dah 618 patah perkataan hahaha. Sorry ah kita tulis ni takde ah sampai awak nak terharu en hm hahaha sebab kita merepek je oh and and sorry lah sebab kita annoying, jahat , bajet and so on. Sorry lah kalau ada buat awak terasa ke marah ke sedih ke hm macam macam lah. Sorry kita bukan adik yang baik hahaha. K jap tapi nak sambung saaaaaaampai 1000 baru ah boleh bangga sikit sebab 500X2 en haha pastu okay lah kita serious, awak ni baaaaaaaaaik, caring, penyayang (kot) oh plus awak creative sorry lah note kita lagi tak beriya daripada awak L Sorry kita takde lah pandai mana nak buat note hm. Oh and awak supporting! Hahaha dah lah siap tolong kita buat note yang dipuji tu kaaaaaaan bhahaha. Pastu awak pernah bermimpi nak jadi KP sekolah hahaha. And awak ni seorang yang sangat pelik sebab selalu mimpi benda benda pelik. Then awak ni sebenarnya comel lah kot sebab kita pernah nak ter SA kan hahaha. Ish nasib baiklah tak jadi Alhamdulillah. Seeeeee? Ini first time kita puji awak! Be proud. Hahaha. Okay ini dah June 2013, tinggal lagi setahun setengah je. So, ini kira pesan awal awal lah hehehehe jangan lah lupa kita nanti bila awak dah habis sekolah :p Tapi kan tapi kan kita takde lah penting mana okay takpe lupakan lupakan. Haha. K sukahati awak lah. Oh pastu sorry ah  kita tak selalu pergi dorm awak yelah before lights off awak selalu busy band. So sebab tulah. Haaa, okay tak sampai 1000 lah kita describe ni tapi anggap jelah 1000. Sorry lah kita tak sweet nak describe ni and kalau awak nak tahu kita pun tak tahu apa benda yang kita dah merepek atas atas ni nak baca pun macam tak sanggup je. Bhahaha tapi mintak mintak awak tak bosan lah baca benda yang kita describe ni sebab kita type dengan hati yang sangat ikhlas ni. Sorry lah kita ambik masa sejam lebih nak describe ni sebab bukan senang kan. Hahaha. Last but not least, sister, thank you for being such a good sister to me. You are one of my favourite sister. Sorry for not being a good sister to you. Sorry sebab kita annoying and macam macam lah kaaaaan? Haaaa, sorry jugak sebab selalu nangis hehehehe  tapi  tulah awak kena tahu yang kita ni memaaaaaaaaaaang kuat nangis. Sikit sikit nangis. Bhahaha. So okay, sister, good luck finale woc 2013. Tiup lah clarinet tu dengan bahagia macam masa dekat Flourishes tu :p Bhahaha okay nanti pergi Australia jangan lah lupa kita tau tau tau. Okay lbnl, may this sisterhood lasts foreverrrrrrrr. Kbye I love you & stay sisterssss hahaha takpelah kalau awak tak sayang kita pun :p muahahahahaha kbye. Tolong lah terharu sebab ini panjang lebih daripada yang dijangkakan. Kbyeeeeeeee xx

 p/s: 1080 words with love :p kbye

dearest M ,

this may not matters to you ,
but it matters to me .
thank you for all the conversation .
i'm really , really glad it happened .
i know i sound really weird .
but i just want you to know how i really appreciate for all the moments .
thank you again .
and , i will forever cherish that moment :')

hello sister ,

i love you from the bottom of my heart :)

Monday, June 3, 2013


i'm not giving up .

i'm just letting go.


god , please give me the strength to move on.


but i don't want to give up .
oh god .
why it must be you ?
why do you appear in my life ?
why it must be you who keep me smile ?
why it must be you who gave me strength all this time ?
why it must be you who couldn't put me into sleep ?
why it must be you who break my heart ?
why it must be you who make me cried ?
why it must be you i fall in love into ?
oh god .
why ?





do you know how sad it feels when you're being replaced ?

i guess i'll just stop here.

dearest M ,

i've tried my best .
but you doesn't seem to care .
seriously , im done trying .
thank you for making my life sucks all this time .
i hope you'll be happy with the one that you love .




Sunday, June 2, 2013

Saturday, June 1, 2013

ps //

it's okay .
she needs you more than you know .
i'll be fine here without you .
it's going to be hard , 
but i'll try my best .
for the meanwhile ,
treat her nicely .
she needs some support from you .
okay ? 
take care sister :')

sister , I.A.M.M ;

i know what had happened .
i'm dissapointed .
but that's your life .
there's nothing i can do about it .
right now , i tired of everything .
yes , exactly everything .
god .
seriously , right now ,
just do whatever you want to do .
and just leave me alone .
sorry , i don't have any courage to talk to you for these few days .
i need some time for myself .
and i know you do to .
so goodbye .

ps / i let you know when im already okay .
                                                                                                                              sincerely ,
                                                                                                                               Filza Nabila Halmah